
terza edizione pronta
Sarah's Reading Room, Harvest 2019, Dordolla, Italy—photos by Katharina Kamph

editorial approach

traverzbooks explores environmental subjects from accessible, engaging perspectives that challenge the norm. The publisher offers readers a moment's pause in the company of narratives based on lived experiences. It seeks to broaden horizons by exploring the work of writers, practitioners and other collaborators that are 'travelling light'—traverzbooks presents independent perspectives from practitioners working on a local level with a global outlook. Submissions are most welcome, especially for traverzine. Please send no more than 1,200 words or 7,000 characters with spaces plus images (10.5 x 7.5 cm at 300 pixels per inch) to: info@traverzbooks.net

traverzine's scope ranges as far as the pockets of its readers. So far the publication has already visited London, Naples, Taipei and Vienna. To join the journey, just click on the button below and download your free PDF copy of traverzine, the easy to print, cut and fold, single A4 sheet booklet.
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